Selected publications:
Marcel Paret and Zachary Levenson. 2025 (forthcoming). “South Africa’s Radicals: The Anti-Apartheid Movement’s Forgotten Wing.” Souls.
Marcel Paret and Zachary Levenson. 2025. “Communists and Black Liberation Movements: Divergent Trajectories in the United States and South Africa, 1939–1969.” Social Forces. Advance online publication.
Zachary Levenson and Josh Seim. 2024. “Cracking the Iron Ceiling: On Ethnography as Theory.” Critical Sociology 50(6):991–1004.
Marcel Paret and Zachary Levenson. 2024. “Two Racial Capitalisms: Marxism, Domination, and Resistance in Cedric Robinson and Stuart Hall.” Antipode 56(4):1802-29.
Zachary Levenson and Marcel Paret. 2023. “The South African Tradition of Racial Capitalism.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 46(16):3403-24.
Zachary Levenson and Marcel Paret. 2023. “The Three Dialectics of Racial Capitalism: From South Africa to the US and Back Again.” Du Bois Review. 20(2):333-51.
Zachary Levenson. 2022. Delivery as Dispossession: Land Occupation and Eviction in the Postapartheid City. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zachary Levenson. 2022. “Make ‘Articulation’ Gramscian Again.” Pp. 187-215 in Ethnographies of Power: Working Radical Concepts with Gillian Hart, edited by Sharad Chari, Mark Hunter, and Melanie Samson. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
Zachary Levenson. 2021. “South African Evictions Today.” Contexts 20(1):26-31. Special issue: “New Ethnographies of the Global South,” edited by Marco Garrido and Victoria Reyes.
Zachary Levenson. 2021. “Becoming a Population: Seeing the State, Being Seen by the State, and the Politics of Eviction in Cape Town.” Qualitative Sociology 44(3):367–84.
Sneha Annavarapu and Zachary Levenson. 2021. “The Social Life of the State: Relational Ethnography and Political Sociology.” Qualitative Sociology 44(3):337–48.
Zachary Levenson. 2021. “Pandemic as Campaign Stage: On Trump’s Handling of Covid-19 in the United States.” Covid-19, States, and Societies, Paper 13. Johannesburg: Public Affairs Research Institute.
Zachary Levenson. 2021. “Post-Apartheid Housing Delivery as a (Failed) Project of Remediation.” Pp. 189–206 in Land Issues for Urban Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa, edited by Robert Home. New York: Springer.
Zachary Levenson. 2019. “‘Such Elements Do Not Belong in an Ordered Society’: Managing Rural-Urban Resettlement in Democratic South Africa.” Journal of Agrarian Change 19(3):427-46.
Zachary Levenson. 2018. “The Road to TRAs Is Paved with Good Intentions: Dispossession through Delivery in Post-Apartheid Cape Town.” Urban Studies 55(14):3218-33.
Zachary Levenson. 2017. “Precarious Welfare States: Urban Struggles over Housing Delivery in Post-Apartheid Cape Town.” International Sociology 32(4):474-92.
Sam Ashman, Zachary Levenson, and Trevor Ngwane. 2017. “South Africa's ANC: The Beginning of the End?” Catalyst 1(2):75-106.
Zachary Levenson. 2017. “Living on the Fringe in Post-Apartheid Cape Town.” Contexts 16(1):24-9.
Zachary Levenson. 2017. “Articulating Trumpism, or Thanks Obama!” Berkeley Journal of Sociology 61:8-15.
Zachary Levenson. 2017. “Social Movements beyond Incorporation: The Case of the Housing Assembly in Post-Apartheid Cape Town.” Pp. 89-104 in Global Resistance in Southern Perspective: The Politics of Protest in South Africa’s Contentious Democracy, edited by Marcel Paret, Carin Runciman, and Luke Sinwell. London: Routledge.
Zachary Levenson. 2014. “‘We Are Humans and Not Dogs’: The Crisis of Housing Delivery in Post-Apartheid Cape Town.” Berkeley Journal of Sociology 58:15-22.
Zachary Levenson. 2014. “Permanent Temporariness: Relocation Camps in Post-Apartheid Cape Town.” SLUM Lab 9:156-8.
Reviews and review essays:
Zachary Levenson. 2025 (forthcoming). “Durban’s Long Twentieth Century.” Safundi.
Zachary Levenson. 2024. Review of Shakirah E. Hudani’s “Master Plans & Minor Acts: Repairing the City in Post-Genocide Rwanda.” Society & Space.
Zachary Levenson. 2024. “Moralization as Class War.” Dialogues in Human Geography 14(3):546–49.
Zachary Levenson. 2024. “Under the Conditions We Actually Face.” Society & Space.
Zachary Levenson. 2023. “Is There a Du Boisian Sociology?” Contemporary Sociology 52(3):206–11.
Zachary Levenson. 2022. Review of Clyde W. Barrow’s “The Dangerous Class: The Concept of the Lumpenproletariat.” Contemporary Sociology 51(5):366–68.
Zachary Levenson. 2022. Review of Xuefei Ren’s “Governing the Urban in India and China: Land Grabs, Slum Clearance, and the War on Air Pollution.” Contemporary Sociology 51(1):62–4.
Zachary Levenson. 2021. “Can Liberation Be National?” Journal of World-Systems Research 27(2):396–403.
Zachary Levenson. 2021. Review of Kerry Ryan Chance’s “Living Politics in South Africa’s Urban Shacklands.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 27(1):187–88.
Zachary Levenson 2020. Review of Marco Garrido’s “The Patchwork City: Class, Space, and Politics in Metro Manila.” City and Community 19(2):445–47.
Zachary Levenson. 2020. Review of David H. Kamens’ “A New American Creed: The Eclipse of Citizenship and Rise of Populism.” Social Forces 99(2):e1-e3.
Zachary Levenson. 2017. "A Wake for Urban Theory." British Journal of Sociology 68(4):785-90.
Zachary Levenson. 2015. Review of Keith Breckenridge’s “Biometric State: The Global Politics of Identification and Surveillance in South Africa, 1850 to the Present.” Journal of Asian and African Studies 51(5):636-38.
Zachary Levenson. 2012. Review essay on Marie Huchzermeyer’s “Cities with ‘Slums’: From Informal Settlement Eradication to a Right to the City in Africa.” Transformation 78:133-43.